Social Connection Groups

In Development
The Auti Social Club
Autistic people often experience social isolation. This can impact on mental and physical health, with a high incidence of anxiety, depression and increased risk of suicide.
We believe that creating opportunities for Autistic people to build connection is one of the most important things we can do to improve Autistic people health and wellbeing. Connection with other Autistic people can provide spaces where we can unmask safety, and be our authentic selves.
We are working to create spaces where Autistic people can connect with others in safe and welcoming environments. We have recently been given a small grant to launch The Auti Social Club.
We will be inviting Autistic people in Herefordshire and borders to help shape what The Auti Social Club becomes. If you would be interested to volunteer for the Auti Social Club Steering Group, or would like to be invited to come to future Auti Social Club events please complete the expression of interest form here: